Not many people voluntarily buy or sell a house during the holidays. The real estate market always slows down over the time period between November and January, no matter where you are in the country.

But sometimes a holiday move is beyond your control - maybe your house has been on the market for a little while and the magic offer just took its time coming, or maybe the shoe is on the other foot and you are eager to capitalize on a time of year when the kids are out of school.

You might think that moving over the holidays is a guaranteed way to torpedo your good cheer, but fear not. There are ways to make holiday moves less painful. 

1) Use Your Christmas Cards Wisely

First of all, kill two birds with one (gaily decorated) stone, and include your change of address information in your annual Christmas cards. You were going to send the cards out anyway, including a festive picture of your kids so that distant relatives can coo over how big they’re getting, so you may as well shoehorn your new mailing address in there as well. Multitasking!

2) Donate Any Excess to Make Holidays Brighter for Others 

Another tip is, if you are packing up and space is tight, consider donating your copious overflow of holiday decorations to people who can’t otherwise afford them. Make this Christmas a cheerful one for a needy family. Alternately, if you are whittling down your cold-weather gear (because you are relocating to warmer climes) or you are thinning out the kids’ mountain of toys, think about sharing some of your excess with the homeless or indigent. Toys in good condition will make excellent gifts, and there are always toy drives at supermarkets, WalMart, and other such places during December. 

3) Repurpose All of Your Moving Materials!

Inundated by boxes and bubble wrap following a move? You’ve just solved two problems: you can use all that cardboard and insulating material to wrap Christmas presents, especially if you are the devious type who doesn’t like making gifts seem obvious. And it goes in the other direction: if you receive gift boxes and tissue paper, you can use these materials to pack your delicate items. Ask friends and family members for their castoffs as well! 

4) Pack Holiday Decorations Last

Lastly, when you are packing up your home for a pre-Christmas move, go ahead and pack your holiday decorations last, so that they are the first thing off the truck when you arrive at your new digs. This way, even if it takes you some time to get through putting away all your other household contents, you can be sure that your new home will be properly bedecked with cheer!